Unauthorised Occupation of Managed Grounds/Land

Saba Pervaiz
Last Update August 13, 2024
5.0 /5
2 already enrolled

About This Course

This course outlines procedures for Property Services managers to handle unauthorized occupation of Nationwide land, ensuring consistency, professionalism, and legal compliance in managing and reporting such incidents.

Learning Objectives

Officers will learn to effectively manage unauthorized encampments, adhere to policies, ensure legal compliance, and minimize operational impact on the site.


5 Lessons1h 30m

Introduction & Overview

This playbook provides guidelines for Property Services managers to handle unauthorized occupation of Nationwide grounds, ensuring consistent standards, timely management, and legal compliance.
Introduction & Overview of Playbook00:00

The Process

Report unauthorized occupation immediately to Security. Avoid engaging with or providing services to the encampment. Security will investigate.

The Process: Security Officers

Security Officers report incidents to Police, follow IM Procedure, manage site access, log observations, document findings, and support witnesses.

The Process: Duty Manager/Facilities Consultant/Person in Charge of Premises

Duty Managers must assess for damage, contact Nationwide Dispute Resolution, report with Title Plans, update stakeholders, and follow escalation protocols.

Prevention of Future Incidents

Duty Managers must assess for damage, contact Nationwide Dispute Resolution, report with Title Plans, update stakeholders, and follow escalation protocols.


This quiz consists of ten multiple-choice questions. To successfully pass the assessment and obtain the certificate, you must achieve a score of at least 80%.

Your Instructors

Saba Pervaiz

7 Courses
8 Reviews
17 Students
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Duration 1.5 hour
5 lectures

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