Suspicious Package (for Managed Admin Buildings)

Saba Pervaiz
Last Update August 13, 2024
4.5 /5
5 already enrolled

About This Course

This course instructs Property Services team members on handling suspicious packages in Nationwide buildings. It covers actions to protect sites, ensure consistency, and adhere to policies and legislation, aiming to minimize impact and manage threats effectively.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, officers will learn to manage suspicious packages effectively, adhering to legal standards and Nationwide policies. They will be equipped to protect property and users, minimize operational impact, and respond professionally and promptly to potential threats.


4 Lessons

Introduction & Overview

This playbook guides Property Services on managing suspicious packages in Nationwide buildings. It ensures protection, consistency, and compliance with policies and legislation, aiming to minimize damage and fear.
Introduction & Overview of Playbook00:00

The Process: All Property Services

A suspicious package could be any unattended or odd-looking item, potentially containing explosives, incendiaries, or harmful substances. Report such items immediately to security, and never approach or move them.

The Process: Property Services Security Officers

When a suspicious package report is received, Security Officers must record details, investigate, and if deemed suspicious, cordon off the area, follow the Bomb Threat Playbook, inform key contacts, and log the incident. If not suspicious, inform relevant staff and document the details.


This quiz consists of ten multiple-choice questions. To successfully pass the assessment and obtain the certificate, you must achieve a score of at least 80%.

Your Instructors

Saba Pervaiz

7 Courses
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17 Students
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