On Campus Courses

How Sentinel Academy Can Assist You?

Upon completion of our SIA training courses, Door Supervisor training, Security Badge, SIA Badge, CCTV Operator, security guard training & numerous other Health & Safety training, you’ll be able to confidently enter the industry in which you intend to start that dream career. Good news is that you’d have an edge over other candidates as you’d have a great deal of knowledge & awareness.

Our Facilities

*Training dates can be changed if minimum number of students (6-8) do not enroll/book for the course.


What our happy students say

"Excellent institute with great hard working and friendly trainers. Definitely recommend it to the one, looking for training to get a certification in security."

Naveed M.

"Well renowned institute and excellent environment for the course under the supervision of highly skilled teachers."

Ryan George

"Great trainers, reputable security training provider. Before taking course at Sentinel Academy, I asked most of security officer and they recommended Sentinel Academy."

Carl Saba