
We found 18 courses available for you

Bomb Threat Received Response

9 Lessons
1.5 hour

The course offers a comprehensive guide for managing bomb threats …

What you'll learn
Upon completing the course, learners will understand bomb threat procedures, terrorist methods, legislation, and site safety management.

Marauding Terrorist Attack Response

5 Lessons
2 hours

This course outlines actions for managing a marauding terrorist attack …

What you'll learn
Officers will understand protocols for responding to terrorist attacks, the importance of rapid assessment, effective communication, and adherence to security policies and legislation.

Unauthorised Occupation of Managed Grounds/Land

5 Lessons
1.5 hour

This course outlines procedures for Property Services managers to handle …

What you'll learn
Officers will learn to effectively manage unauthorized encampments, adhere to policies, ensure legal compliance, and minimize operational impact on the site.

Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device Response

3 Lessons
1 hour

The purpose of this playbook is to guide Property Services …

What you'll learn
Upon completion, learners will apply standardized VBIED incident handling, consistent reporting, policy-based management, and professional threat response to ensure safety.

Protestors on Managed Grounds/Land

4 Lessons

This course provides guidelines to handle unauthorized protests, protect properties, …

What you'll learn
This training provides tools and knowledge to effectively manage property challenges while ensuring compliance and upholding professionalism.

Suspicious Package (for Managed Admin Buildings)

5 Lessons

This course instructs Property Services team members on handling suspicious …

What you'll learn
Officers will effectively manage suspicious packages, ensure compliance with policies, protect property, minimize impact, and respond promptly to threats.

Hostile Reconnaissance Response Training

5 Lessons
1 hour

This course equips participants with strategies to address hostile reconnaissance, …

What you'll learn
Participants will gain essential skills to counter hostile reconnaissance, enhancing safety and security at Nationwide's managed administration buildings.

Conflict Management Course Level 2

17 Lessons
3 hours

Conflict management can help in addressing conflicts internal to an …